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Gate Repair Near Me Pasadena CA

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Gate Repair

Gate Repair Services | Garage Door Repair Pasadena, CA

Our garage door company also provides complete gate repair and installation services. When it comes to gates, there are a lot of components that can potentially go bad. Faulty openers that make a grinding noise, loose or broken hinges, and misaligned tracks are some of the most common issues that gate owners face. Here is a detailed look at these problems and how we can help you solve them.

Loose or Rusted Hinges

Unlike garage doors, gate hinges are constantly exposed to the external atmosphere. The moisture in this atmosphere can expedite the process of oxidation in the metal parts, giving rise to rust. While such corrosion can be handled with proper care and other solutions like periodic lubrication, extreme scenarios may require advanced rectification methods like welding and joining.

Gate Opener Does Not Open or Close the Door

This has mostly to do with the power that is supplied to the opener. Either the opener is pulling a lot of current from the mains supply or it is being overloaded. This is a fairly normal issue that can be fixed by a quick troubleshooting of the opener motor.

There are many more peripheral checks that need to be done in such a scenario. Therefore, we always recommend users to depend on professionals.

Misaligned Track Obsctructs the Gate Operation

Most common in swing gates, a misalignment in the track of either of the dual gate doors can prevent them from opening or closing properly. This not only affects the weight balance of the gate but also the security of your house as the gate cannot be closed and locked.

If you are worried about your gate’s safety, don’t look further. Our skilled technicians are here to provide all types of gate repair services. As an expert repair company that has been present in Pasadena, CA for years, you can rest assured both your gate and garage door are in professional hands.

Give our team a call if you need help with:

Residential Gate Openers

Gate Exit Sensor Installation

Program Doorking Intercom

Sliding Gate Safety Sensors


When you need professional garage door service at its best, we're the team to call. Contact our experts below with any question and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


For fast, reliable service and guaranteed customer satisfaction, we're the team for you. Count on our professionals for the friendliest prices in town!

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* $29 service call - deducted from the service

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Feb 7, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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